I'm going to have a throw-back moment here to the 80's for just a second (it will make sense in a minute; especially why this recipe is called Peaches & Dreams). Growing up, my sister and I had a Peaches and Cream Barbie. The Barbie had a ballgown with a creamy peach chiffon Cinderella skirt and a sequined heart-shaped corset top. She was ethereal and we (definitely) fought over who got to play with this gorgeous Barbie doll. She was the epitome, at the time, of what was considered classy, beautiful and elegant. For better or worse, we aspired to be those things as burgeoning young ladies.
When I made this smoothie, the color and the classic flavors reminded me of this doll. It brought back nostalgia for simple summer days when we used our imaginations and enjoyed the simple company of one another. Those memories reminded me of the easy-going attitudes my sister and I shared and the knowledge that there was a freedom to be who and what we wanted to be. Those choices were laid out ahead of us. All we had to do was decide and make.it.happen. We, in short, were always developing our dreams of who we would be as future women.

I love these memories because they are exactly the cross-roads that I have found myself at many times as a person. Dreams were but choices that were ready to be my own, all I had to do was grab hold of them, commit myself to them, and go! Going vegan several years ago was one of those choices. It had always been laid out ahead of me, a dream of what and who I wanted to be, just waiting for me to chose it. I had made excuses, put up my own barriers to my success; until the day that they all fell around me and I was left with the thought - why not? I was the reason why not and as soon as I chose to be the reason for why, yes! I found the same creativity and freedom of making it happen. Dreams became reality for me.
So, you see, a joy of being vegan and creating these recipes can sometimes just be the path of memories they set me on; like the color of this smoothie reminding me of a Barbie doll which was so much more than just a thought of a toy I played with long ago. It brought on thoughts of being who we were, who we are and what we want to be through our whole lives; evolving, changing, selecting the better path. Dreaming (together) of a better future through sustainable choices is the current path that I'm on - which is why this one is aptly named "Peaches & Dreams" smoothie.
5 fresh peaches (pitted & "chunked")
1 cup frozen cauliflower florets
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (Garden of Life - Plant-based Sport)
2 cups coconut water
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp maca powder
1 lemon (juiced)
1 x 1 inch fresh ginger piece (peeled and chopped)
Optional Garnish: frozen peach pieces
Place all ingredients (peaches through ginger) in the order shown above in a high-powered blender.
If you have a Vitamix with smoothie button, turn on and wait for the blender to automatically stop. Proceed to Step #4.
If you do not have a Vitamix with a smoothie button, turn on blender on low and gradually increase in increments of 20 seconds each all the way up to the highest setting. Use a tamper or scrape down sides as needed and blend until smooth (~4 minutes).
Pour into glasses and top with the optional garnish(es) noted above. Serve & enjoy!
With love & hope for a better future for all of us - Jamie